
Is Independent Living the Right Retirement Choice for Me?

Apr 9, 2024

“Is independent living the best choice for me?”

If you’re asking this question, it’s important to remember that independent living is not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are many factors that come into play, and your personal wants and needs also influence whether choosing independent living at a senior living community is the right choice for your situation.

In this blog, we’ll explore several factors to consider when deciding between independent living or other options for your retirement.

Your reason for moving

What is the reason you’re considering independent living in the first place? Your answer can provide clues as to whether or not it’s the most suitable choice for your next chapter. Here are some examples to think about.

Are you moving because you want to or because you have to?

What caused you to start thinking about independent living? Did your children or loved ones broach the subject? Or was there an accident or injury that forced you to consider a change? Perhaps you came up with the idea all on your own and want to be proactive.

Are your family members or loved ones worried about your well-being or safety?

If you’re living alone, are your family members concerned about you spending so much time by yourself? Perhaps a safety incident occurred that made your loved ones worry if it may happen again. Have they shared any of their concerns with you directly?

Take some time to think deeply about your answers to these questions. If moving is a relatively voluntary choice, then independent living could likely be an option, but if you feel significant pressure to decide, you may want to revisit your options.

Download this free resource, “Senior Living Options Guide – A Guide for Understanding Which Level of Care is the Best Fit”.

Your level of independence

Your current circumstances can shed light on what would be a good next step for you. How do you feel about handling things on your own from day to day? What is your comfort level throughout the day?

Can you take care of your own basic needs easily?

When it comes to a typical day, can you handle basic tasks with relative ease? Examples include getting dressed, preparing meals, and keeping up with the housework.

Another way to approach it would be to examine how much energy and effort you expend each day. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning and then go to bed each night?

Remember, everyone has hard days from time to time, but does every day feel like a hard day to you? Look for consistent patterns in how you go about your day and how you react to your daily tasks. If you can still hold your own on a regular basis, independent living could potentially be a good fit.

Your desired lifestyle

Looking ahead, how do you envision your future lifestyle? Are you looking for more convenience and flexibility? How about more social interaction or opportunities to travel?

Are you seeking more convenience and/or less upkeep?

Does the upkeep and maintenance involved with owning a home feel like a burden to you? Lawncare, snow removal, and repairs may not seem worth it anymore when you consider the time and energy spent. Or perhaps you’d like more convenience in your daily routine, such as enjoying freshly cooked meals daily without the hassle of preparing ingredients and washing dishes. Independent living in retirement can offer you a lot in this area!

Do you want more opportunities to travel and/or socialize?

Are you feeling isolated or in need of more adventure? Regular social interaction is so beneficial for seniors, and independent living residents often thrive when they make new friends and spend time enjoying something fun together. How about traveling? Senior living communities can provide lots of opportunities for fun outings, and if you want to travel, it’s easy to pick up and go whenever you like.

Thinking about independent living in the Nashville, Tennessee, area?

We hope you’ll take a closer look at Abe’s Garden Community. Located in the Belle Meade suburb of Nashville, we offer both long-term and short-term independent living, as well as assisted living and memory care. Download this free resource, “Senior Living Options Guide – A Guide for Understanding Which Level of Care is the Best Fit”, to learn more about what independent living can offer you.

Abe’s Garden Senior Living Options